Function useJsonFormsOneOfEnumCell

  • Provides bindings for 'oneOf' enum cell elements. Cells are meant to show simple inputs, for example without error validation, within a larger structure like tables.

    Access bindings via the provided reactive 'cell' object. Dispatch changes via the provided handleChange method.


    Returns {
        cell: ComputedRef<{
            cells: JsonFormsCellRendererRegistryEntry[];
            config: any;
            data: any;
            enabled: boolean;
            errors: string;
            id: string;
            isValid: boolean;
            options: EnumOption[];
            path: string;
            renderers: JsonFormsRendererRegistryEntry[];
            rootSchema: NonNullable<JsonSchema>;
            schema: NonNullable<JsonSchema>;
            uischema: ControlElement;
            visible: boolean;
        handleChange(path, value): void;

    • cell: ComputedRef<{
          cells: JsonFormsCellRendererRegistryEntry[];
          config: any;
          data: any;
          enabled: boolean;
          errors: string;
          id: string;
          isValid: boolean;
          options: EnumOption[];
          path: string;
          renderers: JsonFormsRendererRegistryEntry[];
          rootSchema: NonNullable<JsonSchema>;
          schema: NonNullable<JsonSchema>;
          uischema: ControlElement;
          visible: boolean;
    • handleChange:function
      • Update handler that emits a data change


        • path: string

          the path to the data to be updated

        • value: any

          the new value that should be written to the given path

        Returns void

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